Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy
Research Article

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Findings in Patients with Gynecological Malignancies


Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey


Department of Gastroenterology, Faculty of Medicine, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey

Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy 2023; 2: 31-34
DOI: 10.5152/DiagnIntervEndosc.2023.23058
Read: 1141 Downloads: 626 Published: 07 July 2023

Objective: Gynecological malignancies in women may be accompanied by metastatic/second primary gastrointestinal system cancer at the time of diagnosis. Recognition of gastrointestinal system involvement may change the treatment approach. Therefore, we aimed to detect and evaluate the gastroscopy–colonosc opy findings performed in patients who had been diagnosed with gynecological malignancies in our clinic.

Methods: Results of gastroscopy–colonoscopies performed on patients with a diagnosis of gynecological malignancy in Manisa Celal Bayar University Hafsa Sultan Hospital Gastroenterology Department between June 2014 and September 2021 were reviewed retrospectively. Female patients who underwent gastr oscopy–colonoscopy due to iron deficiency anemia during the same period were selected as the control group.

Results: The mean age of the patient population was 64.03, and the mean age of the control population was 62.1. All the patients were female. In our study group, there were 76 patients with gynecological malignancy. The control group included 79 patients who had iron deficiency anemia. As a result of gastroscopy, 10.56% of the study group was diagnosed with concomitant malignancy against 1.26% in the control group (P < .05). While the rate of cases diagnosed with lower gastrointestinal system malignancy after colonoscopy in the patient group was 9.21%, the same rate was found to be 1.26% in the control group (P < .05).

Conclusion: We think that routine gastroscopy–colonoscopic evaluation is necessary before treatment in women diagnosed with gynecological malignancy.

Cite this article as: Anıl Altunbaş A, Serkan Karakaya M, Buran T, Kasap E. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy findings in patients with gynecological malignancies. Diagn Interv Endosc. 2023;2(2):31-34.

EISSN 2822-3772