Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy
Letter to the Editor

Massive Hematemesis: A Rare Presentation of Tuberculosis in a Girl


Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Medanta Hospital, Lucknow, India


Department of Paediatrics, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India

Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy 2022; 1: 27-27
DOI: 10.5152/DiagnIntervEndosc.2022.220508
Read: 1026 Downloads: 317 Published: 25 July 2022

Cite this article as: Prasad D, Bhriguvanshi A. Massive hematemesis: A rare presentation of tuberculosis in a girl. Diagn Interv Endosc. 2022;1(1):27.

EISSN 2822-3772