Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy
Case Report

Endoscopic Treatment for Duodenal Variceal Bleeding


Department of Gastroenterology, İnönü University Medical Faculty, Malatya, Turkey

Diagnostic and Interventional Endoscopy 2022; 1: 53-55
DOI: 10.5152/DiagnIntervEndosc.2022.220915
Read: 1255 Downloads: 457 Published: 12 September 2022

The most common cause of duodenal varices is portal hypertension. Portal vein thrombosis is one of the other causes of duodenal varices. The number of publications on duodenal variceal bleeding after liver transplantation is very scarce. In this case report, we report a patient who had a cadaveric liver transplant for chronic liver disease due to Hepatitis B and developed duodenal variceal bleeding after portal vein thrombosis. We detected duodenal variceal bleeding at the third part of the duodenum using oesop hagog astro duode nosco py. Duodenal variceal bleeding was successfully treated with n-but yl-2- cyano acryl ate and lipiodol solution. In cases that develop portal vein thrombosis after liver transplantation, clinicians should be alert for duodenal variceal bleeding. If there is a sign of bleeding in duodenal varices, n-but yl-2- cyano acryl ate therapy can be safely applied to duodenal varices.

Cite this article as: Ataman E, Harputluoğlu M, Bilgiç Y, Sağlam O, Orman İ. Endoscopic treatment for duodenal variceal bleeding. Diagn Interv Endosc. 2022;1(2):53-55.

EISSN 2822-3772